Ice baths have been used for thousands of years for therapeutic benefits, beginning with the ancient Greeks and the Romans. These civilizations recognized the positive health benefits of cold water therapy and actively incorporated it into their medical practices.
The Greeks
The ancient Greeks used ice baths to treat various ailments and conditions including joint pain and muscle soreness. They believed (astutely) that the cold water reduced inflammation and improved circulation in the body, which would lead to pain relief and faster recovery from injury. The Greek physician Hippocrates, often referred to as the father of medicine, was one of the first healers to prescribe cold water immersion for his patients.
The Romans
The ancient Romans were also known to utilize ice baths to promote positive health outcomes. They frequently offered cold water immersion and cold compresses to reduce swelling and relieve pain.The Romans would also utilize ice baths and deliberate cold exposure to enhance their hygiene. In fact they were the first to alternate between hot and cold water baths. They believed that this practice had a myriad of health benefits, like enhancing the immune system and improved skin complexion.
It’s incredible to think that thousands of years after the Greeks and Romans started to use ice baths for health, we would see a resurgence in its popularity. It’s just as common in 2023 to see health and wellness practitioners alternate between cold and hot therapy at a local spa as it was thousands of years ago in Rome.
The only difference is, in 2023 we have a plethora of scientific research to back up the claims that these ancient civilizations made thousands of years ago.
Start a life changing practice today with a VITALICE at home portable ice bath.